As organizations face a growing number of cybersecurity threats, it has become critical to establish a culture of security awareness that permeates throughout the enterprise. This involves not only deploying the right technological solutions but also developing a comprehensive security awareness program that starts from the top and cascades down to all employees.

To achieve this, businesses must leverage various forms of media to effectively communicate the importance of security awareness and make it a priority for everyone in the organization. By treating security awareness like advertising, businesses can create a demand for it and encourage employees to adopt it as an integral part of their daily routine. In this blog post, we will discuss the key components of an effective enterprise security awareness program that promotes a culture of security and helps protect against cyber threats.

culture of Security Awareness
Trend Setting Security Awareness

Security Awareness Starts With Leadership

Developing a culture of security awareness within an organization starts with the commitment and direction from senior leadership. It is important for senior leaders to understand the potential risks and impact of a cyber attack on the business and its reputation.

By demonstrating a commitment to security awareness, senior leaders set the tone for the entire organization and emphasize the importance of security in all aspects of the business. They can also provide the necessary resources, including funding and support, to ensure the security awareness program is effective and comprehensive. When senior leadership makes security a priority, it becomes a part of the organization’s culture and values, and employees are more likely to adopt security best practices in their daily activities.

Advertise and Sell Security Awareness

Developing a successful security awareness program is not just about sending out simulated phishing emails to employees. In order for the program to be effective, it is crucial to create a security culture within the organization.

This means going beyond standard training and incorporating creative and engaging methods to capture the attention of employees. Pamphlets in the elevator, info graphics in the breakroom, and even Laffy Taffy jokes about bad passwords can help make the program more engaging and enjoyable for employees. Post podcasts or interesting articles to the intranet. Get the social media team involved to create a viral awareness campaign.

It is also a good idea to involve marketing, advertising, and graphic design departments, or even hire a specialized company to develop creative and effective materials. By leveraging marketing and advertising techniques, organizations can help employees develop an interest in security awareness and create a culture of security that extends beyond just the workplace.

5 Essential Steps to Develop a Security Awareness Program in a Business

Define Goals and Objectives

Before developing a security awareness program, it is important to identify the goals and objectives. This can include identifying specific cybersecurity risks and determining the level of security awareness required to mitigate them. Having clear goals and objectives will help create a program that is targeted, effective, and relevant to the business’s needs.

Establish Policies and Procedures

Creating policies and procedures is the foundation of any effective security awareness program. These policies should cover all aspects of the organization’s operations and address potential security risks. They should be regularly reviewed and updated to remain relevant and effective. Having comprehensive policies and procedures in place helps ensure all employees understand the importance of security and their role in maintaining it.

Provide Training and Education

Employees are often the weakest link in a business’s security, which is why training and education are crucial components of any security awareness program. This training should cover topics such as identifying and responding to phishing attacks, using secure passwords, and protecting sensitive information. Training should be provided regularly to ensure employees are up to date with the latest security best practices.

Test and Assess the Program

Testing and assessment are essential to ensure the effectiveness of the security awareness program. Regular testing can identify any weaknesses in the program and help refine it to make it more effective. This testing can include simulated phishing attacks, social engineering tests, and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities.

Communicate and Reinforce

Effective communication is critical to the success of any security awareness program. The program should be communicated regularly to all employees through various channels such as email, posters, and training sessions. It is important to reinforce the importance of security awareness and ensure employees understand the impact of their actions on the overall security of the business.

culture of Security Awareness


In conclusion, developing an effective security awareness program within an organization requires more than just sending out simulated phishing emails to employees. It is essential to create a culture of security awareness that starts with senior leadership buy-in and direction. By leveraging marketing and advertising techniques and incorporating creative and engaging methods, organizations can make security awareness training enjoyable and encourage employees to adopt security best practices.

Ultimately, when security is a priority for the entire organization, it becomes a part of the organization’s culture and values, leading to better protection against potential cyber threats. Developing a comprehensive security awareness program may require some investment, but the benefits of protecting the business and its reputation far outweigh the costs.

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